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Shoe suppliers beware! | Research obligation EPR shoes

Shoe suppliers beware! | Research obligation EPR shoes

The Dutch government is preparing an Extended Producer Responsibility for shoes. Read about it more in this news item.

What is an Extended Producer Responsibility?
An Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) makes producers and importers responsible for the entire cycle of a product, up to the waste phase. By doing so, the government wants to encourage companies to take an increasing percentage of waste for reuse and recycling and make it available as a new raw material. Other sectors such as tires, cars, mattresses, packaging and electrical appliances are also working with EPR. Similar rules are already applied in other EU countries and EPR laws will be mandatory everywhere in the EU as of 2025.

Now there is a Decree EPR Textiles, this is a legal obligation and it came into force on July 1, 2023. The EPR Textiles Decree makes producers and importers of clothing and household textiles responsible for the waste phase of products they put on the market in the Netherlands. It will be extended to shoes in the Netherlands in mid-2026. All European countries are obliged to do this, but it is up to the member states how they implement this.

The EPR Textiles Decree makes producers and importers individually responsible for:

  • The organization of an appropriate separate collection system plus its financing.
  • The obligation to ensure recycling and reuse of the collected textiles and shoes.

As with textiles, the government will set goals on this. Shoes are a different product than textiles, it is therefore important to work with the right figures in anticipation of the introduction of the law, so that the goals for reuse and recycling are manageable and ultimately manageable.

Help us get the right substantiation!
We are therefore asking you to provide market figures via a brief survey. Based on these market figures we can make estimates towards the ministry. The data will be processed under strict conditions. All publications towards CAST, INretail and the Ministry will be done on an aggregated level. Publication of individual data is not allowed. Your completed data will not be individually traceable.

Why is this research important to you as an organization?

  • Either way there will be a contribution for shoes.
  • The outcome of the survey will help determine the percentage in which you are made responsible for your waste stream of the products you put on the market.

Thursday, September 5, the survey was sent out by e-mail. Have you not received the e-mail yet? Please send a message to We would like to receive your answers before September 10, 2024. Thank you in advance for your valuable cooperation in this important survey.

Do you have any questions about the content of this call-out?
Please contact: Marijn Verschure -

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