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A sustainable fashion industry is the future! How are you contributing?

A sustainable fashion industry is the future! How are you contributing?

Detex supports businesses in making the fashion industry more sustainable. Their team of experts helps develop a strategic plan and translate it into practical policies for stores.

It's impossible to ignore: nearly every day, new reports highlight the urgent need to make the textile and fashion industry more sustainable. Legal requirements are tightening, and while customers show interest, they are not yet making significant purchasing decisions. On top of that, the wide range of sustainability options can leave some retailers hesitant to take the first step.

Thankfully, many inspiring initiatives and examples are already emerging from the industry and retailers alike. These actions are driven not only by legal obligations but also by personal motivation and conviction. What sets these initiatives apart? They recognize the potential for a future-proof business model and have simply taken action!

Do you want to join them? Detex helps you set a strategic direction for sustainability and translates this into practical policies and training tailored to your store.

Our services are designed for all retailers looking to embrace sustainability, whether online or in physical stores. Make your business more sustainable—from purchasing to sales. Build a future-proof business model, while enhancing goodwill with both customers and employees!

Detex simplifies the process by focusing on textiles. These courses are offered in partnership with Modint, Cube Retail, and Myrtelogie.

Interested in learning how Detex can support your efforts to make a positive impact on sustainability in the fashion industry? Contact us at or call: 0343 412 410

Source: Detex

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