Roosenstein Wolke
Guest exhibitor at PREVIEW MEN & WOMEN |
06.01.25 & 20.01.25
Johannes Hildebrandus Roosenstein started in 1886 as the first generation in creating a beautiful, sustainable product: the Rooscap. More than 135 year later we still follow his values.
At Roosenstein Wolke, we believe fashion can contribute to a better world without sacrificing quality or style. Generation after generation, we commit ourselves to a responsible future, creating clothing that’s both beautiful and functional and that contributes to a world we’re proud to pass on.
Together with our customers, we’re building a sustainable legacy — one that endures and makes a meaningful difference.

General contact information
AddressOude Oppenhuizerweg 22
8606 JC, Sneek
The Netherlands
T 0515-432828