s.Oliver Shoes

Cast exposant

s. Oliver Shoes 

Showroom 266

A brand you can rely on at all times: s.Oliver always offers the perfect solution when it comes to style, quality, comfort and price. An honest, confidently stylish friend and fashion adviser with the right ideas for every situation.

The s.Oliver Shoes brand has been marketed worldwide as a licence business by the Detmold-based company shoe.com since 2005. Up-to-the-minute shoe collections for men, women and children are launched several times a season under the s.Oliver brand in collaboration with the licenser, the fashion and lifestyle company s.Oliver.

The aim is always to put lifestyle and trends into practice quickly when developing a new shoe collection. The high level of awareness of the s.Oliver brand, the right positioning and the ideal price-performance ratio offer great potential at the point of sale.

Algemene contactgegevens


Klingenberg straße 1-3 
D-32758 Detmold Duitsland

T 0031654381224
F 0049 5231605350
E stan.lovink@soliver-shoes.com



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